Software development engineer
Aurélie shares with us her profession as a software development engineer.
ELSYS Design is hiring software development engineers. The job offers can be found on our jobs board, where it is also possible to submit a spontaneous application.
Software development engineer
What’s your school and professional career?
I graduated from the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. I did a Master 1 in electronics, industrial IT and instrumentation. It was not possible to do an apprenticeship in the second year so I chose a Master 2 specialized in efficient energy management. This is when I joined ELSYS Design.
Software development engineer roles
Can you introduce your job as a software development engineer?
I mainly develop drivers in C. I integrate calculation algorithms in order to make their porting easier on different targets, which can be microcontrollers, FPGA or DSPs.
These algorithms allow the recuperation of the captors data, mostly accelerometer, gyroscopes and magnetometer.
Then, the data is used for a pedestrian orientation app, or for motion detection.
What do you prefer in your profession as a software development engineer?
The variety of developments. The foundation is the same, but every time, I rediscover a new design because each microcontroller has its specificities. And in the end, you realize that what you have created is working, and seeing the result gives you some satisfaction.
Why did you chose this profession?
This choice came progressively. I met people working in medical electronics, I found it interesting. Then I discovered a more “technical” level of electronics. As I’ve never liked welding, having a manual activity, I got closer to computer programming. But not a high-level programming behind a computer. There is always a link with electronics, boards for example.
Software development engineer after an apprenticeship
You made your apprenticeship at ELSYS Design. You knew that if everything would go well, you would get an employment offer in the end. Was it important for you?
Yes of course, even if I did not think about that at first. I was mainly interested in being in-company trained, to learn my profession. In class, it’s not really the same thing. You learn better in the field, by working on concrete projects. But finally, I was encouraged by knowing that a job opportunity was possible.
Why joining ELSYS Design
What would you say to convince an engineer to join ELSYS Design?
It’s a great atmosphere company. The relations with the business managers are good, they are good listeners. More generally, working at ELSYS Design allows realizing missions for different companies, from SMEs to major groups. We can see different operating modes. I think it’s interesting, especially at an early stage of the career.
Examples of embedded software development projects at ELSYS Design
- Embedded software development for medical imaging equipment control
- Choice of real time operating system, implementation of the BSP (Board Support Package) on real time operating partitioning system and realization of embedded applications for industrial systems.
- Drivers development (SPI, I2C, LCD, Flash…) in the aeronautics sector (embedded software DO-178)
ELSYS Design career site
ELSYS Design is hiring embedded software development engineers. You can check out the employment opportunities on our jobs board, or also submit a spontaneous application.
Many thanks to Aurélie for her testimonial!