High-end connected plug
A multi-skills trainee team was set up to design a high-end connected plug. In addition to the basic functionalities like the manual/planned control or the electrical consumption measurement, the connected plug can be used as a thermostat or a pilot light, can be switched on/off by clapping hands and allows to obtain the temperature and brightness of a room over several months.
Let’s discover this ambitious project and its importance from a technical capitalization point of view.
The IoT Market
In short, the Internet of Things (IoT) describes a concept where the everyday life devices are connected to the Internet and can share information.
If market forecast numbers make you dizzy, just know that according to Idate DigiWorld think tank, the 2015 installed base of 42 billion objects will grow to 155 billions in 2025!
Therefore, it is obvious that the IoT will massively impact a range of industries like medical, smart city, energy and so on.
Preparing the IoT Revolution
For the ADVANS Group, beyond the internships themselves, there is a major interest in terms of technical capitalization.
According to Philippe Bourgault, the technical director of ELSYS Design :
“Behind each of my hardware internship topics, there is one or more technologies we need to reinforce our expertise on.
With regards to the connected socket…”