Verification & Design Project Manager
Nicolas is a verification & design project manager. He did not hesitate to go back to University, twice ! After a thesis in electronic engineering, he is now a project manager at ELSYS Design....
Nicolas is a verification & design project manager. He did not hesitate to go back to University, twice ! After a thesis in electronic engineering, he is now a project manager at ELSYS Design....
Julien is a project manager. From 2008 to 2012, he was an electronic engineer at ELSYS Design, followed his career in another company, and went back “home” in 2017. After discovering his fascinating career path, you will read his impressions about the changes in ELSYS...
Christian is an ASIC / FPGA verification manager at ELSYS Design Sophia Antipolis, after 19 years within leading international companies in the semiconductor field. He presents us his job....
"I like the variety of developments. The foundation is the same, but every time, I rediscover a new design because each microcontroller has its specificities. And in the end, you realize that what you have created is working, and seeing the result gives you some...
"We have no margin for error. This is the watchword in the space industry, once the electronics board is in space, it can’t go down anymore and it has to be 100% working. It’s an interesting challenge, it’s really nice."...
"In FPGA, what I like is to think of solutions to solve a problem. Moreover, the more difficult the path to reach the result, the happier the success of a project."...
"I handle the planning and charges management, the deadlines respect, the management of the teams who work on different projects and the communication with the client."...