The flying engineer
David, one of our former engineers, became a pilot. We supported him for the "Rêves de Gosse" project for "extraordninary" children....
David, one of our former engineers, became a pilot. We supported him for the "Rêves de Gosse" project for "extraordninary" children....
Pierre, an embedded software engineer, hit the road in the East direction for a 7 month and 25 000 km long trip across 14 countries....
We extended our Grenoble location by nearly 350 sqm to face with the sharp growth in our activities during 2021....
This article presents an overview of tools used for embedded systems testings, with a focus on Python language, and some testing frameworks....
Fred is vice-president of Infoclimat, a key association in the field of weather in France and beyond. Let’s meet with an enthusiast....
The RF engineer is a specialist in analogue and/or digital signals, responsible for developing components or electronic boards capable of processing them and solving the problems that may be related to them....
As its name suggests, the embedded electronics engineer specializes in the elecronics part of the embedded systems....
Interview of Radomir Jovanovic, CEO and co-Founder of ADVANS Group. He presents ELSYS Design, ADVANS Group and how he got there....
Allow Nikola, a Digital Design engineer at ELSYS Eastern Europe, to give you a behind-the-scenes tour of this interesting expertis fiels....